Results of a Nutrient Community Health Program in People Affected by AIDS in South Africa
October 27, 2008
What the ‘ARV defendants’ don’t want you to know about ARVs – part 1
October 28, 2008

Stop the AIDS Genocide of the Drug Cartel

The truth about ARVs – and what their promoters don’t want you to know

For 25 years, the promoters of anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs have been advocating these drugs as the treatment of choice for AIDS with claims of life-saving and life-prolonging properties. The promoters of these claims include certain media, ARV-supporters among the clinical community, activist groups as well as politicians around the world.

However, the scientific validity and truth of these ARV-related health claims has never been proven in well-controlled, long-term scientific studies. Moreover, the promoters of these drugs never had to defend these claims in court and under oath.

That has now changed. In 2007, a case brought against the British newspaper the Guardian presented for the first time the opportunity to challenge these claims in a court.

The exchange of scientific arguments about the value of ARVs in AIDS treatment also provided the Guardian and its scientific advisors – collectively described here after as “the ARV defendants” – with a chance to defend their position in sworn testimony.

Following is a summary of the key arguments from the historic scientific exchange that took place during this court case. As the several hundred pages of court documents on these web pages show, the ARV defendants were unable to defend the falsity of some of the key claims they have been advancing for a quarter of a century.

The truth regarding the clinical and scientific limitations of ARV drugs are presented below.

These web pages are provided as a service to AIDS patients, doctors, scientists, insurance companies and governments around the world who have to take decisions relating to this health challenge.

  1. The promoters of ARV drugs infer that they cure AIDSThe truth is that ARVs are not a cure for AIDS. Click here to read more.
  2. The promoters of ARV drugs say that they are “life-saving” and that they “prolong life”. The truth is that even after a quarter of a century there is no controlled long-term clinical proof that they increase survival. Click here to read more.
  3. The promoters of ARV drugs describe them as “safe”. The truth is that ARVs have serious side effects, including damage to the immune system. Click here to read more.
  4. The promoters of ARV drugs say that they help to “improve the immune system”. The truth is that ARVs can potentially cause drug-induced deficiency. Click here to read more.
  5. The promoters of ARV drugs consistently refer to “HIV/AIDS”, thus deliberately creating the perception that there is a deadly threat to any HIV infected person unless they take ARVs. The truth is that it takes 9 to 10 years from HIV infection to the development of AIDS. Click here to read more.
  6. The promoters of ARV drugs say that “without access to antiretroviral therapy, people living with HIV/AIDS cannot attain the fullest possible physical and mental health”. The truth is that optimal treatment depends on agents that slow disease. Click here to read more.
  7. The promoters of ARV drugs say that “good nutrition is important, but vitamin C is unlikely to prove to be better than medication.” The truth is that HIV infection and AIDS are linked to nutritional deficiencies. Click here to read more.
  8. The promoters of ARV drugs say “there is no evidence that, taken alone, micronutrient supplements prevent HIV disease progression.” The truth is that the clinical benefits of micronutrient supplements have been demonstrated in HIV/AIDS. Click here to read more.
  9. The promoters of ARV drugs say that “more research is needed to examine the micronutrient needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and the best role for micronutrient supplements in HIV/AIDS infected populations.” The truth is that the pharma industry is biased against micronutrients. Click here to read more.
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