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Questions And Answers On The Current Pandemic

In the last week of March 2020, Dr. Rath published his Open Letter in more than a dozen languages. Within a few days it was read and forwarded thousands of times worldwide.

In the following questions and answers we deal with issues that are matters of concern to millions of people worldwide.

Translations: Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Polski

Yes, but only to people with weakened immune systems. Apart from following general hygiene measures, strengthening your own immune system is by far the most important measure for preventing a viral infection.

Our body’s defense, the immune system, is mainly determined by the functionality of the white blood cells (leukocytes). The formation of new, functional leukocytes in the bone marrow of our bodies is therefore particularly important in the defense against all kinds of infections, especially viral infections.

The most important stimulators for the production and function of the immune cells of our bodies are found in food. They include vitamins A, C, D, E, B2, B6, and B12, folic acid, iron, selenium and zinc. Numerous other natural substances, such as green tea extract, curcumin and other plant ingredients are also scientifically proven means of strengthening the immune system.

Among all these micronutrients, vitamin C plays a particularly important role, as its average requirement to achieve optimal health is the highest of all vitamins. Therefore, a chronic undersupply of this vitamin has particularly serious consequences on health.

This knowledge is well documented in biology and biochemistry textbooks. In no courtroom in the world will a defendant―whether a politician or a so-called expert― be proved right when denying this knowledge.

Since our modern food has lost a large part of its vitamin content due to pasteurization, transport, storage and cooking, it is advisable to enhance the daily diet through the use of supplements enriched with these natural substances. If this does not happen, the human body nearly always develops an immune deficiency and is therefore particularly susceptible to viruses and other pathogens.

This scientifically proven link between vitamin deficiency, a weakened immune system and susceptibility to infection―including the current pandemic―is summarized in the following diagram:

Almost all people in the world suffer from a chronic undersupply of micronutrients, a fact that contributes decisively to the development of a pandemic, i.e. a worldwide outbreak of an infectious disease.

As far back as 20 years ago, the United Nations Children’s Fund UNESCO published a statistic in the context of the VMD initiative, revealing the alarming fact that over 2 billion people worldwide suffered from a chronic undersupply of micronutrients at that time, especially vitamins and minerals. Since then the global supply of micronutrients has improved to some extent, but still more than half of the world’s population today does not even achieve a minimum supply.

In order to prevent viruses and other pathogens from entering the body and to fight these pathogens successfully, our bodies consume micronutrients at a significantly higher rate than they do under normal circumstances. This means that during an epidemic, almost everyone in the affected region suffers from a relative lack of micronutrients, even if they get a basic supply of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Since virtually no one in the world is aware of the importance of an (increased) intake of micronutrients to counter infectious disease, the outbreak of a pandemic―i.e. an epidemic on a global scale―is almost inevitable.

In conclusion: the most important explanation for the current pandemic is a global undersupply of micronutrients, with the result that people around the world have  weakened immune systems―causing the infection to reach a global scale.

In contrast to humans, most other living creatures can synthesize vitamin C in their own bodies―a fact that is particularly important. They are therefore not dependent on obtaining a sufficient supply of vitamin C through their daily food to defend themselves against viruses and other pathogens. As for the virus causing the current pandemic, we know that while it can be detected in animals it does not result in serious illness or death. An inevitable consequence of this phenomenon is that researchers around the world are currently desperately looking for an animal model that is susceptible to a serious infection with the virus.

This phenomenon is also supported by the fact that the virus has now been detected in a tiger—found to be in good health—at the New York Zoo.

In the course of our evolutionary history, humans have lost the ability to convert sugar (glucose) molecules into vitamin C. If we do not get enough of this vitamin in our food over a long period of time, there are serious health consequences. If the body has been weakened, viruses and other pathogens may then penetrate and spread without much restriction.

This explains why there are reports of infected animals, but the disease itself is limited to humans―and has become a pandemic among us.

A fact that is observed everywhere during the current pandemic is that the elderly in particular are becoming infected. There is a clear scientific explanation for this: the ability of the human digestive system to absorb micronutrients from regular food decreases significantly with age.

This means that, in elderly people, even if their daily diet contains adequate micronutrients, an insufficient percentage of them passes from the intestinal chyme through the epithelial layer into the blood.

If the daily diet contains an inadequate supply of micronutrients, the ensuing result may be a severe nutritional deficiency and a particularly high susceptibility to infectious diseases.

This also explains the high death rates in nursing homes. In many of these homes, the food supply is extremely low in fresh fruit and vegetables and therefore completely lacking in a proper intake of micronutrients.

The so-called “old people’s home phenomenon” in the current epidemic therefore has a logical and scientifically substantiated explanation. It is not age alone that explains these increased death rates, but a combination of old age with a completely inadequate supply of micronutrients in the diets of nursing home residents.

One of the key lessons to be learned from the current pandemic is that there is an urgent need to improve nutrition in nursing homes, particularly by providing fresh fruit and vegetables or food supplements. Without these measures, millions of old people will be almost entirely defenseless against future epidemics. Wherever possible, retirement homes should cultivate their own fruit and vegetable gardens in order to improve the inhabitants’ supply of vitamin-rich food and, at the same time, create opportunities for positive and varied activity.

Another observation regarding the current epidemic is the increased mortality rate in large cities and metropolitan areas, such as New York City. There is a further explanation for this, which is directly related to the undersupply of micronutrients. While the rural population is still more likely to have access to fresh fruit and vegetables, the diet of people in large cities consists almost exclusively of industrially processed foods. Pasteurization, canning and other forms of industrial food processing inevitably destroy many of the vitamins and other micronutrients originally present in the food.

Consequently, a large proportion of people living in urban areas suffer from chronic micronutrient deficiencies. Once there is a threat from certain viruses or other pathogens, the immune systems of millions of people are compromised by being exposed to these infectious diseases without an effective defense.

Pandemic statistics in Italy show that more than 99% of the deceased patients suffered from pre-existing conditions, particularly cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and diabetes.

It is a scientific fact that most of today’s common diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and many other chronic diseases, are closely linked to the intake of micronutrients. There are now more than 100,000 scientific studies on this correlation, which can be accessed through major medical online libraries such as Pubmed.gov.

Many of these common diseases have a genetic background, i.e. they occur more often within families. The existence of a hereditary predisposition does not necessarily lead to the expression of a disease. These triggers, also called carriers, have been extensively researched in recent decades. Today, it is clear that a chronic deficiency of certain micronutrients―especially through a long-term undersupply of micronutrients in a person’s diet―has a decisive influence on the transition from a genetic predisposition to the onset of a disease. For example:

  • Cardiovascular disease. This term is mainly used to describe arteriosclerosis—also known as atherosclerosis—which is the main cause of heart attack and stroke. Since the seafaring age we have known that a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables causes the blood vessels in the human body to become leaky due to depletion of vitamin C. The body tries to repair these leaks by means of deposits―similar to sealing a crack in a house with mortar―in order to prevent bleeding of the vessels, leading to death. You can find more details about this in the book Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks… But People Do.
  • High blood pressure. Numerous scientific studies have found that patients suffering from high blood pressure also suffer from a considerable lack of micronutrients in the blood. In addition, the mechanisms by which vitamin deficiency leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the arterial walls―and thus to an increase in both blood pressure values―are largely understood. Further details can be found in the chapter “High Blood Pressure” of the book mentioned above.
  • Diabetes. The connection between the incidence of so-called adult diabetes (diabetes type 2) and micronutrient deficiency has also been scientifically proven. Immunodeficiency, which almost always occurs in connection with diabetes, is understandable for everyone. Among other things, high sugar levels lead to the functional impairment or incapacity of the body’s cells. In particular, the white blood cells responsible for the body’s defense lose their ability to defend themselves effectively. This connection is also explained in more detail in the chapter “Diabetes” in the above-mentioned book.

This phenomenon can also be explained by a widespread lack of micronutrients in large parts of the populations of these countries. All these countries have one thing in common: they have been particularly affected by economic crises (Italy and Spain) and international sanctions (Iran) in recent decades.

Wherever long-lasting economic crises occur there are particularly noticeable effects on the food supply, especially on the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Regarding the average inhabitants of these countries, they must decide daily about how to spend the little money they have left. If in doubt, they will choose industrially processed food, as it is usually much cheaper and satisfies the hunger of their families. Most people fail to realize that micronutrient deficiencies in the body don’t cause any warning signs―at least until the point at which a disease develops―because nobody has told them so.

After the development of so-called virus mass testing, the US government announced a nationwide testing of the population for the pandemic virus. The inevitably rapidly increasing number of infected people is now being misused by some “experts” and the associated media to portray the USA as the new “epicenter” of the pandemic. The fact is that where more testing is done, the number of people who test positive also increases.

In order to also adjust the number of pandemic victims upwards, these so-called experts are also no longer distinguishing between a person who died of the viral disease and a person who died of old age and whose virus test was positive.

The fact that a significant percentage of the poorer sections of the population in the USA do not have adequate health care naturally contributes to this development, as does the widespread consumption of fast food and other forms of low-vitamin, unhealthy nutrition.

In most countries around the world, the health care system is not a naturally grown social sector. It was conceived and constructed over the last century and is still controlled by the pharmaceutical industry today.

As an investment industry with an annual turnover of over 1000 billion dollars, the main objective of this industry is not people’s health, but the stock price of pharmaceutical corporations.

The return on investment (ROI) in this industry is derived from the license fees for patentable synthetic preparations. This fact also explains the term “patent medicine”.

The survival of this artificially created investment industry depends on how effectively it eliminates unwelcome competition from effective―but not patentable―natural remedies.

A substantial portion of the multibillion dollars earned by this industry is therefore spent on lobbying, especially in the fields of politics, media and medicine (so-called “experts”)―with the aim of depriving people of the life-saving information provided by vitamin research.

The influence of “patent medicine” on universities in almost all countries, which has lasted for decades, has led to the fact that doctors learn almost nothing during their education about the health impact of vitamins and other micronutrients.

As a result, in their often decades-long professional lives, doctors rarely or never apply this knowledge to the treatment of their patients.


Nevertheless, there is no recommendation for vitamin C or other scientifically tested natural remedies on the part of patent medicine, as these―as explained above―are not compatible with the business interests of this investment industry.

Instead, patented substances with serious side effects are now being tested on humans in the hope that the number of people dying from the side effects of these toxic preparations will not exceed the number of people dying from the virus pandemic.

Patent medicine is currently testing the following compounds in clinics around the world for their use against the current pandemic, including:

  • Chloroquine, a BAYER Group product that was developed decades ago to combat malaria. This drug is associated with severe and often fatal side effects, especially sudden cardiac death.
  • Remdesivir, a patent preparation of the Gilead group, which was developed to combat the Ebola virus (and failed in that attempt). This preparation is associated with intestinal bleeding and other serious side effects.
  • Favipiravir, a patented preparation of the Japanese Fujifilm group. This substance causes serious side effects, including severe malformations, and has been linked in the Wall Street Journal to the infamous drug thalidomide.

In the context of patent medicine, patients who want to protect themselves against illness caused by the pandemic thus have the choice between the severity of a cardiac arrest, the collapse of the immune system or the birth of malformed children.

The current pandemic allows any reasonable person to see the true face of this investment industry that puts profit before life.

Every politician, every journalist and every doctor who continues to support these interests will one day be held responsible for accepting the deaths of thousands of people and for the ruin of national economies and entire branches of industry.


Concealing the importance of vitamins for strengthening the immune system, which has been confirmed in over 100,000 studies, is no trivial offense―it endangers the health and lives of millions of people.

The systematic denial of this life-saving health information―as currently practised by so-called “experts” and politicians eager for emergency legislation―is a crime against humanity.

Find more information on the coronavirus here
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